mobilku rent car
Telp/WA : 085103383811
Mobile : 0812 98 169 88
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SEWA MOBIL di Jakarta – Bekasi :
- Toyota Grand New Kijang Innova
- Toyota All New Avanza/Xenia
- Toyotas Camry
- Alphard
- Vellfire
- Fortuner 2016
Sewa Minibus/Van:
- Elf Short 15 seat ac – Isuzu Elf thn 2015/2016 - eksekutif
- Elf Long 15 seat ac – Isuzu Elf thn 2015/2016 - eksekutif
- AC Ducting(Air Conditioner)
- Flat TV (Television)
- DVD/USB/wifi
- Good Interior
- Reclining Seat
Interior Isuzu Elf-3

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Sewa Mobil Alphard, Sewa Vellfire, Rental Mobil, Sewa New Camry, Sewa Nissan Serena, Sewa Pregio, Sewa Innova, Sewa Elf, Sewa Avanza
Friday, August 3, 2012
How To Save Time & Money On Car Rental
The thing is, Car Rental market is very competitive one and rates differences for comparable quality and service are relatively small, sometimes as small as $10 to $20. These minuet price differences are going to vanish in the wind when you consider the long lines and lost time at the cheapest renter counter, drop charges for remote destinations, late return fines, and gasoline inflated rates as well as other service charges you didn’t think about when you shopped for the “best deal”.
Don’t get us wrong, we don’t like to pay higher prices more than you do. We do recommend to shop around and check the various rates available, especially when it’s so easy to do it via the Internet at comparison sites.
All we say here you need to consider other things beside the price and when you compare please make sure you compare apples to apples and not apples to pears.
Things to consider when ordering a rented a car.
Who is using the car, are you by yourself on a business trip or you are traveling with the whole family? How much luggage are you going to have, does the car you are thinking about is big enough to have you all plus all your hand luggage and big suitcases? If not, consider to change to a mini van or a car with extra large trunk.
Do you need an Infant seat or a child booster? make sure it is mentioned clearly with your order, usually there is a shortage of these seats and they are provided for extra charge. Check the state laws for where you are traveling. A new law in Denver for instance, requires Booster Seats for all 4 and 5 year olds who are not 55 inches tall.
Do you actually need the car in the town or city at the first few days? If not, consider to take a taxi, a bus, a train or the hotel shuttle into the city and when it’s time for you to go out of town and travel around, then, rent the car from the city location and by that save up to 15% on Air-Port charges as well as on city parking fees.
Are you going to a very warm and humid destination? If yes, it’s recommended to order a car with air conditioning, usually the price difference is negligible, the problem is that it’s not available in all destinations like in some European countries.
Most major rental car companies allow for unlimited mileage in the same state, but it's a good idea to check their policy before confirming. Many smaller local independent companies charge mileage after 100-200 free miles per day.
As mentioned before price is not the only factor to consider when choosing a car rental company. If you choose a very small, no-name company, don’t expect them to provide you with service across all nation or continent, what would you do if the car is needed to be replaced or serviced for some reason?
Frequent or Preferred Renter Programs and affiliations
Frequent renter programs, Like airlines and hotels, major car rental companies track their customers’ rental histories and offer preferential service to loyal customers. Most of the major companies offer frequent renter programs that are similar to airline frequent-flyer programs and hotel frequent-guest programs.
Preferred renter clubs, Most major car rental companies also offer preferred renter programs or clubs (one example is the Hertz #1 Club). When you belong to one of these clubs, you get preferential treatment, including automatic upgrades when those cars are available. You can join these programs at any time, even if you are a first-time renter with that company.
While basic-level club memberships are often free, higher-level memberships (as in the Hertz #1 Gold Club, which allows you to bypass the rental counter) generally come with a price tag. What most people don’t realize is that it’s often possible to avoid the membership fee by simply writing or calling your car rental company and asking them to waive it. They will do it because the car rental industry is very competitive, and they want your business.
If you're still faced with a steep rate, try getting discounts based on your affiliations with organizations like AARP, AAA or others. These discounts are usually not great, but they are better than nothing.
In addition, always check for corporate rates if applicable to your situation.
Car Rental Insurance
Some of the Insurance terms seem to be confusing, let’s try to clear them out first.
CDW - Collision Damage Waiver.
LDW - Loss Damage Waiver.
PDW - Physical Damage Waiver.
PAI - Personal Accident Insurance.
PEC - Personal Effects Coverage.
ALI - Additional Liability Insurance.
Many of the Credit Cards have most of these coverage, therefore it’s not mandatory to purchase excessive coverage. It’s better to check this issue with your travel agent, insurance agent and your credit card company a head of time. Some Car rental companies require that you show proof of insurance.
Also be aware that your personal insurance probably doesn’t apply to your rental car when traveling overseas. All this is somewhat complicated and at times confusing because there are no industry standards for terminology and policies vary by locations.
Important things to check and do before leaving the Air-Port
After a long flight and the waiting in lines for your luggage and afterwards for your keys at the car rental counter, it is understandable you just want to take the rented car and drive away to your hotel, but wait! Here is a list of things you must check first.
Start by making a careful check around the car, look for any small dents or scratches, in case you find some, don’t be lazy, go back to the office and ask a representative of the rental company to write down all of these dents, ask for a copy of that report. Other wise you might be responsible for damages you didn’t perform.
Open the trunk, make sure you have a spare tire, a jack and set of tools, there is noting more irritating than to find out in the middle of nowhere that you don’t have a jack when you need to replace a flat tire.
Many car companies will provide you with an extra key if you ask for one. This can come in handy for some of us who are absent minded.
It is recommended to spend some time to get acquainted with the cars’ features and switches, make sure you know where the lights switches are, how to operate the windshield wipers, the air conditioner and even set your favorite radio stations as well as set your side mirrors. It might be quiet frustrating to fight with the new switches while driving, when all of a sudden it starts raining.
Make sure you have a map and it’s better to spend few more minutes and plan your driving route.
Last but certainly not least, If you have a lot of luggage, don’t park the car in the parking lot and go for lunch, in many countries, this is an easy target for the thieves, It’s better to buy some sandwiches and beverages in the air-port, or stop somewhere along the way for refreshing but never leave the car unattended.
In case you are involved in a Car Accident.
These are the most important pieces of information to collect from the involved parties: full name, mailing address, telephone number, insurance details, and drivers’ license number.
Also try to get the names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the accident. Make a note of the vehicle’s make, color, brand and license plate number.
Try to pinpoint the exact time and location of the accident. If the police get involved, ensure that you receive a copy of their report. Don't forget to inform your insurance agent immediately and notify the car rental company.
They will let you know about their accident procedure.
If you purchased insurance through the car rental company, they will have to make the claim. If there is damage to the rental car, there will be much paper work to complete.
Make sure any involved parties are ok. Any injuries should be taken care of ASAP.
Call the police and/or ambulance (if necessary), and then call the car rental agency. Be as cooperative as possible. The car rental agency will have its own policies regarding accidents.
5 Steps to A Great Rental Car Experience
1- The first step involved in obtaining a rental car is to do research on the companies in your local area. There are a number of nation wide companies and more than likely local companies to choose from when conducting your research. Try to narrow them down to three or four companies that are closest to either your pick up location or your destination.
2- You will want to ask about procedures that may be required by the rental company. Many companies require that the car be fueled up before its return, if this is not done, they will charge you extra for it. It may also be in your best interest to ask what the fee would be if the car is needed for longer than expected as well as what the rate is for late drop off.
3- If you have personal auto insurance, call your agent to see if you are insured with a rental car as well. This will allow you to save money by turning down the insurance offered by the rental company at the time of vehicle pick up.
4- Finally, you have chosen the company and the car, its time to pick it up. Make sure that you have the paper work that you will need. Most companies will require you to show your drivers license, be sure to have it. Also, your proof of auto insurance, if you will be turning their insurance down. A major credit card is necessary; if you are not using cash to rent your car, do not count on them taking a check.
5- Be sure to read the contract and ask questions about anything that you do not understand. It's better to take sometime at the counter or on the phone to pin down the details, than to think you got it and have to deal with the company in the event of an accident. Ask questions!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tips Sewa Mobil / Rental mobil / Car Rent
Langkah pertama adalah anda harus melakukan riset ke beberapa perusahaan rental mobil yang dekat dengan lokasi anda. Cobalah anda batasi riset anda hingga tiga atau empat perusahaan penyewaan mobil yang terdekat. Pilih perusahaan sewa mobil yang sudah dikenal kualitas pelayanannya.
Setelah anda melakukan riset ke beberapa perusahaan sewa mobil yang dekat dengan lokasi anda, dan membatasi riset anda hingga tiga atau empat perusahaan rental mobil yang terdekat. Anda bias pilih mobil yang akan anda sewa dan anda harus bertanya mengenai persyaratan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan rental kendaraan, dokumen apa saja yang diperlukan sebagai persyaratan sewa kendaraan . Anda harus bertanya mengenai bahan bakar yang digunakan mobil sewaan tersebut, beberapa perusahaan sewa mobil mensyaratkan bahan bakar harus kembali seperti saat anda mengambil kendaraan tersebut dari perusahaan rental mobil tersebut.
Sedikit mengulas tips sewa mobil sebelumnya, setelah persyaratan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan rental mobil telah anda tahu. Anda harus bertanya mengenai bahan bakar, konsumsi bahan bakar per liter kendaraan sewaan tersebut, serta informasi kendaraan yang lengkap seperti kapan terakhir servis, dll. Beberapa perusahaan rental mobil mensyaratkan bahan bakar harus kembali seperti saat anda mengambil kendaraan sewa dari perusahaan rental mobil tersebut.
Anda harus menanyakan mengenai biaya sewa, apakah sesuai dengan anggaran anda atau bisa dibilang sewa mobil murah atau tidak. Anda juga bisa menanyakan sewa mobil tersebut bias sewa mobil harian, sewa mobil mingguan, sewa mobil bulanan atau sewa mobil tahunan. Keterlambatan pengembalian mobil sewa. Seiring dengan tidak menentunya keadaan jalan dan kondisi kemacetan akhir-akhir ini membuat anda terkadang tidak dapat tepat waktu, ada beberapa perusahaan rental kendaraan yang dapat mengerti keadaan ini sehingga mereka memberi kompensasi selama satu hingga dua jam, namun tidak sedikit perusahaan rental kendaraan yang mewajibkan penyewa mengembalikan kendaraan tepat waktu dan memberi biaya tambahan per-jam.
Informasi yang telah anda dapatkan di jasa penyewaan mobil dapat anda kumpulkan sehingga memudahkan anda dalam menyewa mobil tersebut. Perlu diingat anda harus menanyakan mengenai keterlambatan pengembalian kendaraan. Seiring dengan tidak menentunya keadaan jalan dan kondisi kemacetan akhir-akhir ini membuat anda terkadang tidak dapat tepat waktu, ada beberapa perusahaan rental mobil yang dapat mengerti keadaan ini sehingga mereka memberi kompensasi selama satu hingga dua jam, namun tidak sedikit perusahaaan rental kendaraan yang mewajibkan penyewa mengembalikan kendaraan tepat waktu dan member biaya sewa kendaraan tambahan per-jam.
Tips berikutnya yang wajib anda ketahui adalah tanyakan apakah tarif sewa mobil yang anda keluarkan sudah termasuk supir mobil dan mengenai asuransi apakah termasuk untuk pengemudi dan pihak ketiga, ini bisa sebagai tolal ukur bagi anda apakah sewa mobil murah atau tidak. Akan tetapi jangan tergiur harga sewa mobil yang murah yang ujung-ujung malah lebih mahal karena belum termasuk ini itu. Untuk itu tanyakan dengan jelas harga sewa mobil tersebut sudah termasuk atau tidakkah mis : supir, bahan bakar, tol, parkir, overtime, pemakaian dalam kota atau luar kota, tips supir, makan supir,lama pemakaian, overtime, pajak (PPN, PPH) dan lain sebagainya. Semua informasi ini sangat anda perlukan sehingga akan membuat anda lebih tenang dan tidak kaget ketika mengembalikan mobil dengan tambahan lain-lain.
Tips sewa mobil terakhir yang dapat kami berikan untuk anda setelah anda menanyakan mengenai asuransi apakah termasuk untuk pengemudi mobil dan pihak ketiga, dll.
Pastikan anda membaca kontrak atau perjanjian [i]sewa kendaraan dengan teliti, tanyakan mengenai hal-hal yang tidak anda mengerti, ini ditujukan agar anda memperoleh informasi yang jelas dari perusahaan rental mobil. Perjanjian sewa mobil tersebut baiknya anda simpan baik-baik dan catat nomor telepon jasa rental mobil yang dapat dihubungi setiap saat, hal ini berguna jika terjadi sesuatu dengan anda selama di perjalanan.
Selamat menikmati perjalanan anda dengan menyewa kendaraan aman dan terpercaya.
Hal yang paling penting ketika anda menyewa mobil:
- Periksa/Cek kondisi mobil apakah kelengkapan mobil baik (mis. Mesin, Body mobil, Lampu-lampu,kondisi rem, oli, air accu, air radiator dll. Dan tanyakan ke pemilik rental apakah mobil layak jalan ke luar kota?
- Periksa ban mobil, apakah masih layak pakai? Dan cek tekanan angin.
- Bila anda hendak perjalanan luar kota, pastikan ke pemilik rental apakah mobil layak jalan ke luar kota?
- Pilihlah mobil yang tahun pemakaiannnya tidak lebih dari 4 tahun atau kalau ada mobil yang terbaru.
- dll